Quantum Healing (QHHT)
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is a single session process that takes around 3 hours. It begins with an explanation of hypnosis and what to expect from the session. It includes discussing the list of your personal questions (that can revolve around anything regarding your life, current situation, repeating patterns, spirituality and health). Following the discussion, a hypnotic trance is induced.
The QHHT process involves:
Clearing - we start by we carrying out energy & aura clearing, initiating soul level work and building connection with guidance and ‘higher’ states of mind. We build the connection with the Superconscious mind to clear all possible limitations and induce initial regressive experience (childhood and womb).
Guiding through Past Life – going through all crucial events until the end of that life. It’s worth noting that client is guided to experience the most relevant other life (time is not linear and therefore not only past life is an option, but concurrent, future or other species as well), which always correlates to their current life and circumstances you find challenging. It is also not uncommon to experience more than one past life in the course of a single session.
Connecting to your Subconscious Mind (or possibly Higher Self/ Superconscious) - which will provide you with insight about the relevance of the Past Life that has just been shown to you, an insight into your current situation and challenges you’re dealing with.
Obtaining answers to questions provided – in this part of the session all client’s concerns from initial discussion can be addressed, including questions you might not wish to reveal to the facilitator but ask directly to the Subconscious. There is no need to be afraid of receiving any answers, as the Subconscious will only share information that's appropriate and beneficial for you at the time.
A few directions regarding the questions:
Send the questions via email in advance or provide them printed (to avoid handwritten notes which might be difficult to read).
Limit the questions to approximately 30. You can write more questions, but within the 3-hour session, we might only be able to cover some of them. Try to keep the questions straightforward. No question is off-limits.
Writing the questions in the 3rd person is helpful (though not necessary) as I will be asking them on your behalf, i.e. "What is his/her purpose in life?" etc.
The session will be digitally recorded and sent to as an Mp3 (if you wish to have it recorded).
Your list of questions
Comfortable clothing
Positive mindset