Weight Loss Hypnosis
& Sugar Addiction

There’s no question that more and more people are getting obese every year. And there’s a reason why it is the industrialised countries mostly. It’s time you found out the truth how to become slim and healthy.
Who said that something is healthy because everybody uses or accepts it? If that were so, there would be no alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. You don’t need to look far, the officially accepted food pyramid is a proof itself. Soya recommended as an equivalent of meat as well as additives used in most of foods or cutting on fat to protect your heart are all a scam. You will not know that though if you won’t dare to look behind the popularised information. You must explore for yourself to not only get slim but really healthy.
Weight loss is a huge problem for so many of us for a few reasons. We consume a dangerous & fattening poison on a daily basis. I doubt there is a single person who doesn’t. The poison is sugar! It has been depleted of its life forces, minerals and vitamins. It wouldn’t even be such a problem if it were just empty of any nutritional value. It is, however, draining the body of its vitamins and minerals that are required for its digestion. To put it simply, it is an empty toxin inhibiting the activity of a catalyst, therefore meets all criteria of a poison.
The so-called recommended “food pyramid” is nothing else than deadly man made carbohydrates that pass through the stomach and turn into sugar in small intestines. If it is so destructive, how did it manage to penetrate most of the global food market? It is so, because it’s one of the most addictive substances ever created by a human being, more than cigarettes. It is also impossible to cut it completely as it is hidden in most of foods, disguised under the cover of so many other names (dextrose, corn syrup, brown rice sugar, lactose etc.).
That’s why even though to some extent our society is aware of its toxic influence, it is so hard to walk away. Not mentioning that sugar is the biggest moneymaker, so media and consumption market will make it for you as tough as possible, if not impossible at all.
We will use hypnosis to quickly change your daily sugar cravings without your strong will and painful withdrawal symptoms.

Human beings are the only living organisms that base decisions not on reality but on their own perception of reality. An antelope, when approached by a lion, doesn’t think, “if only I chose a different place to go to” or, “I wish he was vegetarian”. It instantly reacts according to reality - it runs as fast as it can. Yet, human beings are such illogical creatures, who, knowing what works, just don’t do what’s necessary to follow through. On top of that, they spend their whole time on finding reasons for NOT following through. Isn’t it funny that we’re aware of being unaware, and we pretend it’s ok.
We have one quality making life very simple, and that’s acquiring habits. It can, however, make our lives miserable, because it also applies to our thinking patterns. Once we develop one, it becomes automatic, attaching to us even stronger if we want to run away from it.
Subconscious VS. Conscious
The subconscious mind is a captain, the conscious is a crew. Therefore, no matter what we do, it’s your subconscious that runs the show. How many times have you tried to change and you gave up before you even properly started? Only a huge impact that would break through to the subconscious (emotional mind) can make the change real. Nothing can be done without its approval.
Our subconscious mind is automatic. Whatever program it has set up, it runs it without a fault. Only when you are running the same harmonious programs both on the conscious and unconscious level, the slimming process can fire off automatically.
Luckily, there are ways to get to subconscious, and the fastest and most direct one is Hypnosis. You don’t need a hypnotist to get you into hypnosis, you can easily do it yourself. You only need one to do it in a way that will provide you the changes you want. In other words, a professional hypnotherapist knows how to negotiate with your subconscious effectively.
What we use is a very unique process applicable in every field. It allows you to access behavioural patterns of a person successful in healthy and fit lifestyle. In Hypnosis you can gain access to the essential patterns to achieve the same results as they have. How is your subconscious supposed to know HOW to get you the results you want if it has no information or resources to use? Yet, we all have the same neurology, so if one person can do something, you can do it as well, you just need to know how.
I help people with any aspect of weight loss they find challenging:
Removing the elements triggering overeating
Elimination of self-punishment
Elimination of the addiction to sugar and processed food
Creating new eating habits incorporated in trance to make them automatic
Childhood regression to discover presupposed limitations concerning body figure and food choices
Changing emotional relationship with food
Incorporating a healthy lifestyle by modelling somebody who is healthy and slim, to give your subconscious a blueprint
Creating a new self-perception and wonderful self image based on programming a slim body matrix
Motivation to be active and exercise
NOTE: Hypnosis is meant to be used as adjunct to your active efforts to incorporate change, rather than a solution that does not require your involvement and desire to change your lifestyle.